Freedom 251 Booking closed with over 6 Crore Registrations: Company denies “Scam’' and answered questions.

Ringing Bells has finally closed the Registrations for Freedom 251 dubbed as World’s Cheapest smartphone.
The company has announced that it has received over 6 Crore (60 million) registrations in just two days of opening pre-orders.

Ashok Chada, President at Ringing Bells told IANS
“The Pre-booking numbers we received are sheer humongous. I am happy that so many Indians have responded to our “Make in India’ smartphone call. Now the onus is on us to deliver on the promise and I am hopeful that we will be able to start delivery latest by April 10 and finish well before the June 30 deadline.’’

The company created a lot of buzz around India about the pricing of this handset and its Scam, as we have reported yesterday. BJP MP Kirit Somaiya even called it as a Scam.

Now the company has answered some question what India is asking about this  handset like,
1. How Ringing Bells is selling a smartphone worth Rs. 2700 at a price of just Rs. 251?
The company is planning to recover the remaining amount through reduction in duties, innovative marketing, selling the handset online and more.

2. How is Indian government partnering with a company with no proven track record ?
The Indian Government is not partnering with the company (Ringing Bells Pvt. Ltd).

3. Why has Freedom 251 got Adcom branding on the front panel? Is it being manufactured by Adcom? And why was the branding covered by a whitener? How did the company fringe into other company products for that?
We just wanted to show a sample/prototype of what the handset will look like. This is not the final piece. Hence we obviously wanted to provide “Made in India” handsets as that is the core of our vision.
We did a quick and intensive search and located the components but re the Touch Plate, we faced a problem in view of the fragile nature in addition to the scratch-proof requirements of the piece.
ADCOM is an Indian Company and we were able to source from them. You may speak to Mr. Sanjiv Bhatia – the Director of ADCOM and he would confirm the true version to you.

4. The phone is not listed on the BIS certification page, why is this?
Application is under filling and we expect to have the Certification in hand well before delivery commences.

Freedom 251 Booking closed with over 6 Crore Registrations: Company denies “Scam’' and answered questions.