Google is testing a new way to login that not requires password to be entered

Google is trying to make its services more and more easy for its the users and has now took a big step to make login easy for its services. Google is now working on a new way that allows users to login in to their account without entering the password, Google will let you login to desktop with just your phone. The idea behind this method is to speed up login process.

Google login

A Reddit user Rohit paul  has shared his experience about this feature that Google is testing with a select group of users. Once authenticated with Google, you will just need to input your email address in your phone. When you enter your email you will get a notification that someone is trying to login from another device. Once you approve the login you are good to go.

Google login

Google login

Google login

Google login

This method is in early stage of testing. This feature can be turned off if the user wants, the user can always enter password and login in to their account.