India hits One Billion Mobile Phone users mark, left only behind China

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI ) has revealed that India reached 1.03 billion mark of mobile-phone subscribers in month of October and only left behind China in the world. China hits One billion users mark in 2012 and number of users are growing day by day.
 One Billion Mobile Phone users in india

India surpassed U.S. in 2008 and never looked back. India's mobile phone subscriber base is growing over the years to a size that is more than triple the U.S. 's current population. Even though phone bill in India are among the cheapest in the World. India's top carrier Bharti Airtel has more than 200 million subscribers which is almost America's half population.

The increase of mobile users in India is specially because Carriers are reducing price of tarrifs and launch of affordable and budget smartphones in country by national and International brands.