Some of the early Backers of Jolla Tablet won't get it after all

Jolla started its journey by funding of Jolla Tablet back in 2014 via Indiegogo campaign, the campaign was started in November 2014 bringing more than $2.5 milion from 21,637 backers.
 Jolla Tablet

 Jolla says that the first small batch of Tablets were shipped to some backers around October 2015. Then they had some serious funding issue and they were forced to postpone the whole project schedule many times.

According to Jolla, they  faced  serious financial challenge in November and December. Now that they have received some new financial backing  and their financial situation has been improved so they can get back to Normal Operations. Now Jolla said that it will ship an additional small batch of Jolla Tablet in January 2016.

Jolla's Representative stated that:
"The bad news here is that we are not able to complete the production to fulfill all contributions. In other words, all of our backers will not get a Jolla Tablet. However, you can be sure you will not end up empty handed. We might even have some positive surprises in stock for you. But more on that will follow, feel free to
Source: Jolla Blog