Letv launched Le 3D Helmet, LeMe Bluetooth Headset and a Super Cycle

Letv has launched three new Super products at its LeFuture event.
Letv VR Heasdet

Le 3D Helmet is VR Headset. It is compatible with all Letv smartphones and 3D movies, said Letv, they also said that it is perfect for movie buffs and YouTubers. Le 3D Helmet is equipped with a 5.5-inch 2K LCD display from Sharp.
Letv VR Headset

LeMe Bluetooth Headset is a brand new wireless headset from the company. It features world's first teardrop design,  said the company.
Letv Bluetooth Haedset

Letv has also launched a fitness centric Super Cycle. The Super Cycle is Internet-enabled with self-powered transport system.
Letv Super Cycle

It features Super Cycle OS which supports Cloud computing, anti-theft and app integration. It also has a Walkie-talkie.